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At the end of this month I go on six months leave. Only time will tell if I will be able to return to work in January. But before I go on leave my PwC family had one last surprise in store for me. Last Friday they threw me a happy hour which included a pedal party. What’s a pedal party you ask…well it’s a u shaped bike with seats and pedals on two sides and room for a driver and bartender in the middle. We had two bikes and I took my position as bartender of bike one as the rest of the team pedaled from bar to bar, four stops in all before returning to our starting bar where another crowd of my fellow workers and colleagues had assembled.

Here I was lead to a very large cake which read congratulations and was informed (early, as promotions on the wholes aren’t revealed until mid June) that I was promoted to director (of international tax). I, of course, burst into tears. It was a great day and we stayed at the bar for a while mingling and chatting into the night. It was a super time and a great way to wrap up my last 8 1/2 years with the firm.

This weekend my brother and his family are coming to town for the Houston debut of my nieces. I’m very excited to see them again. And very soon I’ll be off to Fredricksburg to see my dad followed by a conference in San Antonio and then it’s off to Europe (Greece, Scotland, and Ireland) for the remainder of June to be quickly followed by a family trip to Galveston before I come back to Houston for a rest. It’s gonna get hectic up in here but for all the right reasons.

Hope you all are doing exceedingly well. Cheers!